Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 61: A Longer Post Chronicling Longer Day

0812hrs. Stuck at the showroom today manning the front desk. Nothing is really going to happen so, here's a longer journal entry.

0815hrs. Time to prepare coffee.

0847hrs. Somebody walked in and asked about the condos. Nobody else was at the front desk so I smiled the widest (insert name of reputable real estate development company here) smile I could.

Qualifying is important.

"I'm actually looking for a condo on behalf of my aunt"

The person that came in isn't the final decision maker.

1000hrs. I'm hungry. Nobody's coming in.

1128hrs. Lunch time. Chinese food. Again. I have to be back at the office at around lunch time so the guy I'm manning with gets to have some food too.

1228hrs. Back. Doing nothing. Let's play some Starcraft.

1328hrs. I'm waiting for a potential buyer. He said he'd visit the showroom today. So pumped.

This could be it.

Operation wild mangosteen plantation steal, here we come!

Emailed the Russians. They haven't gotten back to me. Could be because I'm saying too much.

1519hrs. Still waiting.

1635hrs. Waiting.

Helped the teammate I like the least not look like an idiot.

I should have taken that client.

1700hrs. My shift is officially over. Still waiting.

And waiting.

1800hrs. Waiting.

Assisted a broker.

1900hrs. Waiting. Playing Starcraft. Waiting.

2000hrs. You get the point.

2045hrs. Fuck it. Headed home.

An unintentional 13 hour shift.

Not getting paid anything extra.

2125hrs. The potential buyer didn't show up.

At least he had the decency to inform me.

At 9 in the evening.

2148hrs. Fuck. I have to send out sample computations.

Cramming time.

Its like college all over again.

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