Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 17

03/23/11 - 17 days without sale

Courtesy of the Daily Mail
My 13 hour shift last Saturday counts for nothing.

Today I begin writing my memoirs. Though I was deployed over 2 weeks ago, I only decided to start writing now. I was stupid then. Running on adrenaline and the promise of the beginnings of a fruitful career. Seventeen days in, nothing.

We are docked at the showroom today and nothing seems to be happening. Nobody really walking in and asking around. Brokers are manning the booth in the mall.

The rest of the team are either out preparing to collect their commissions, out on client calls, or bumming in the back room. I have been assigned the duty of entertaining the first walk in client. Its been 7 hours and the only person that came in was somebody that bought from a different developer. She wanted to look at our interiors because she wasn't happy with the finish of the other guys.

I asked for referrals.

Because we're in-house, I had assumed that we were going to receive preferential treatment from the company. But the brokers get the same exposure that we do. They can throw around their money more than we can. They get larger commissions.

All we get are calling cards.

Team lead expects us to submit new names every week but the pipelines have dried up.

One in every ten people show interest. Damn the numbers.

Damn the numbers.

I was able to score a line ad in one of the newspapers today. But one in ten still applies.

1700hrs. I should be going home. But our work hours are prescribed work hours more than they are actual work hours and my conscience is killing me for wanting to head out of here. If I go, I forgo any walk ins that may walk in after work.

1725hrs. Fuck it. Headed home.



  1. One in ten show interest? That's 10% and that's too high. I believe that in any kind of marketing, the expected response rate is 0.05%. That makes it 1 in 2000. Real estate sales is not about the numbers. It is about RELATIONSHIPS. Find ways to meet people in real as well as digital world. And always look the part of a successful real estate person, with business cards always ready to hand out when the right moment comes. Make sure you wear your real estate name badge if you have one. And, if you are stuck in the office, read a lot about what is happening in the industry. Good conversation pieces that make you appear well-informed and reliable to a prospect. Cheer up! No one wants to buy from a person who is down in the dumps.
